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How to Play
Basic Rules
Capture bases by moving your pawns onto them
The first team to control all bases wins the game
Capture enemy pawns by moving onto their position
When you capture a pawn, a new pawn spawns near your base
Collect power-ups to transform your pawns into special units
Farms periodically spawn new power-ups
After moving any pawn, all your pawns enter a brief cooldown period
Mushroom - Spawns an additional pawn near your base
Cannon - Transforms pawn into a cannon unit that can fire at range
Virus - Infects your pawn, allowing it to capture adjacent enemy pawns
Bishop - Moves diagonally up to 3 spaces
Rook - Moves horizontally/vertically up to 3 spaces
Knight - Moves in L-shape, can jump over other units
Queen - Moves in any direction up to 6 spaces